Island Areas: General Statistics by Construction Industry for Puerto Rico and Metropolitan Areas: 2022
The Economic Census occurs every five years, in years ending in 2 and 7.
2022 Economic Census of Island Areas tables are released on a flow basis from June through December 2024.
For more information about economic census planned data product releases, see 2022 Economic Census Release Schedule.
The dataset universe consists of all establishments that are in operation for at least some part of 2022, are located in Puerto Rico, have paid employees, and are classified in one of eighteen in-scope sectors defined by the 2022 NAICS.
Number of establishments
Annual payroll ($1,000)
Number of employees
Construction workers average for year
Total payroll for construction workers ($1,000)
Value of construction work ($1,000)
Net value of construction work ($1,000)
Value added ($1,000)
Cost of materials, components, packaging and/or supplies used, minerals received, or purchased machinery installed ($1,000)
Cost of construction work subcontracted out to others ($1,000)
Total capital expenditures for buildings, structures, machinery, and equipment (new and used) ($1,000)
Total rental payments or lease payments ($1,000)
Gross value of depreciable assets (acquisition costs, end of year) ($1,000)
Range indicating imputed percentage of total annual payroll
Range indicating imputed percentage of total employees
Definitions can be found by clicking on the column header in the table or by accessing the Economic Census Glossary.
The reporting units for the Economic Census of Island Areas are employer establishments. An establishment is generally a single physical location where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed.
The data are shown for employer establishments and firms that vary by industry:
At the Territory, Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Area, and Combined Statistical Area level for Puerto Rico
For information about economic census geographies, including changes for 2022, see Economic Census: Economic Geographies.
The data are shown for Puerto Rico at the 2- through 5-digit 2022 NAICS code levels for the construction industry.
For information about NAICS, see Economic Census Code Lists.
The Economic Census of Island Areas is a complete enumeration of establishments located in the islands (i.e., all establishments on the sampling frame are included in the sample). Therefore, the accuracy of tabulations is not affected by sampling error.
The Census Bureau has reviewed this data product to ensure appropriate access, use, and disclosure avoidance protection of the confidential source data (Project No. 7504609, Disclosure Review Board (DRB) approval number: CBDRB-FY24-0044).
The primary method of disclosure avoidance protection is noise infusion. Under this method, the quantitative data values such as sales or payroll for each establishment are perturbed prior to tabulation by applying a random noise multiplier (i.e., factor). Each establishment is assigned a single noise factor, which is applied to all its quantitative data value. Using this method, most published cell totals are perturbed by at most a few percentage points.
To comply with disclosure avoidance guidelines, data rows with fewer than three contributing establishments are not presented. For more information on disclosure avoidance, see Methodology for the 2022 Economic Census- Island Areas.
For detailed information about the methods used to collect data and produce statistics, see Methodology for the 2022 Economic Census- Island Areas.
For more information about survey questionnaires, Primary Business Activity/NAICS codes, and NAPCS codes, see Economic Census Technical Documentation.
Because the Economic Census of Island Areas is a complete enumeration, there is no sample weighting.
Economic census data are housed in the Census Bureau Application Programming Interface (API).
D - Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies; data are included in higher level totals
N - Not available or not comparable
S - Estimate does not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability, poor response quality, or other concerns about the estimate quality. Unpublished estimates derived from this table by subtraction are subject to these same limitations and should not be attributed to the U.S. Census Bureau. For a description of publication standards and the total quantity response rate, see link to program methodology page.
X - Not applicable
A - Relative standard error of 100% or more
r - Revised
s - Relative standard error exceeds 40%
For a complete list of symbols, see Economic Census Data Dictionary.
Data users who create their own estimates using data from this file should cite the U.S. Census Bureau as the source of the original data only.
For more information about the survey, see Economic Census- Island Areas.
U.S. Census Bureau
For general inquiries:
(800) 242-2184/ (301) 763-5154
For specific data questions:
(800) 541-8345
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