Release Date: 2021-05-06
Release Schedule:
The data in this file come from the 2017 Economic Census. For information about economic census planned data product releases, see Economic Census: About: 2017 Release Schedules.
Key Table Information:
Includes only firms with payroll.
Data may be subject to employment- and/or sales-size minimums that vary by industry.
Data Items and Other Identifying Records:
Number of firms
Sales, value of shipments, or revenue ($1,000)
Administrative expenses ($1,000)
Benefits paid ($1,000)
Response coverage of administrative expenses inquiry (%)
Response coverage of benefits paid inquiry (%)
Each record includes a code which represents a specific type of administrative expenses and benefits paid.
Geography Coverage:
The data are shown for employer firms at the U.S. level only. For information about economic census geographies, including changes for 2017, see Economic Census: Economic Geographies.
Industry Coverage:
The data are shown for 2017 NAICS codes 52411, 524113, and 524114. For information about NAICS, see Economic Census: Technical Documentation: Economic Census Code Lists.
Not applicable.
FTP Download:
Download the entire table at:
API Information:
Economic census data are housed in the Census Bureau API. For more information, see Explore Data: Developers: Available APIs: Economic Census.
To maintain confidentiality, the U.S. Census Bureau suppresses data to protect the identity of any business or individual. The census results in this file contain sampling and/or nonsampling error. Data users who create their own estimates using data from this file should cite the U.S. Census Bureau as the source of the original data only.
To comply with disclosure avoidance guidelines, data rows with fewer than three contributing establishments are not presented. Additionally, establishment counts are suppressed when other select statistics in the same row are suppressed. For detailed information about the methods used to collect and produce statistics, including sampling, eligibility, questions, data collection and processing, data quality, review, weighting, estimation, coding operations, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and more, see Economic Census: Technical Documentation: Methodology.
D - Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies; data are included in higher level totals
N - Not available or not comparable
S - Estimate does not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability, poor response quality, or other concerns about the estimate quality. Unpublished estimates derived from this table by subtraction are subject to these same limitations and should not be attributed to the U.S. Census Bureau. For a description of publication standards and the total quantity response rate, see link to program methodology page.
X - Not applicable
A - Relative standard error of 100% or more
r - Revised
s - Relative standard error exceeds 40%
For a complete list of symbols, see Economic Census: Technical Documentation: Data Dictionary.
U.S. Census Bureau, 2017 Economic Census
For information about the economic census, see Business and Economy: Economic Census.
Contact Information:
U.S. Census Bureau
For general inquiries:
(800) 242-2184/ (301) 763-5154
For specific data questions:
(800) 541-8345
For additional contacts, see Economic Census: About: Contact Us.