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...New Census Bureau Interactive Map Shows Languages Spoken...The dots were placed in a random location within census...tracts to protect the confidentiality of speakers....across states, from 44 percent of the population in California...percent in West Virginia. Laredo, Texas, led all...

...containing noncitizens…” compared to households with all...Both test questionnaires included all questions that...Tracts with greater than 4.9 percent noncitizens....Tracts with between 5.0-20.0 percent Asian residents...Housing units within the Los Angeles Regional Census...

...Data Demographic Data Skip Navigation Within...(LFTTD) Recovered Data UMETRICS Data Within...and census-tract level for surveys, as well as less...All researcher access to restricted–use data occurs... Harmonized Decennial Census: IPUMS-format census...

...(CBB) Skip Navigation Within Data Data...Data Within Data Data Tools and Apps Datasets...key feature of CBB are the Reports that contains all...replaces the previous one. Users can upload data for all...geographic levels (state, county, city/town, ZIP Code, and tract...

...geographic “backbone” (nation, states, counties, tracts...Within these data products, the DAS allocates a shared and allocated to a variety of products within...Group = 0.12 Tract = 0.12 Block Group = 0.12...householder sex, householder age, and so on. “Tract...

...Number 6 — March 13, 2020 Skip Navigation Within...Releases Stats for Stories Tip Sheets Within...The data tables include national totals for all 50...The data tables include national totals for all 50...tracts around the country....